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I had so many dreams in life!!! I'm a musiclover.. I love the one I LOVE...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

My Christmas Vacation

It such a great vacation for me. I had spent it happily with my family. We had so much fun,we attended family reunions and I met my cousins and titas whom I've never met for a couple of years.On the christmas eve I attended the mass with my grandmothers and we celebrated christmas together at home after the mass.So sad to remember that after christmas I got sick,huhu..I had fever and cough and it so happened when I'm in Davao City, at my auntie's house and it such a bad day that we attended a party while I'm so sick..hahai..I stayed there for 3 days and though I'm sick I still enjoy being there because we went shopping together with my cousin and friend.When I went back here I spent new year happily with my family and I'm so thankful that God had given me a wonderful year last 2009, I'm hoping that this will be a great year for me and my loved ones.


  1. nyc-blog!!
    inlove jud..
    ajaja..hmmfff-love jud???
    (wahhH) goo.blogging!!

  2. char...perti jud d.i laag...pwo kita2x ra oi..avot gne q ug midsayap,cotabato,,,nbisita ko ni ampatuan....

    GDLUCK sa P.E...
    "IT'S SHOWTIME";;;

    Life is short so make it shorter;;;
